而1957-1997年当选为省议员的有5人(次),市(区)议员35人(次)。此后当选者也不少,如2000-2005年秦仪连当选卑诗省议员;2008年叶志明、张杏芳、李灿明、关惠贞当选为卑诗省议员等。同时,有不少华人被任命为联邦、省、市(区)政府的官员,直接参加政府行使权力。如1957年,华人郑天华(Douglas Jung)在当选国会议员后被任命为加拿大驻联合国代表;1957年华人Ruth-Lor(女)被任命为加拿大教联和北极事务部合办的爱斯基摩人康复中心副主任;1964年,黄景培被任命为联邦政府卫生部部长助理;1993年,陈卓愉被任命为联邦外交部亚太事务部部长;1988年,林思齐被任命为卑诗省总督;1999年,伍冰枝被任命为第26届联邦总督;2004年,陈卓愉被任命为联邦多元文化国务部部长、荘文浩被任命为联邦政府事务暨体育部部长;2008年,黄陈小萍被任命为多元文化国会秘书。被任命为省、市、(区)政府官员者更多些。2008年,林佑民被任命为阿尔伯塔省总督;2009年6月,李绍麟被任命为曼尼托巴省总督等等。
值得指出的是,在华人出任加拿大各级政府官员中,有林思齐、林佑民、李绍麟出任省督和伍冰枝出任联邦总督等高官,是目前华人参政成功的范例。伍冰枝(Adrienne Louse-Clarkson),祖籍广东台山县人,1961年获得多伦多大学学士学位,1961-1962年在巴黎大学文理学院修读硕士学位课程。1965年在加拿大广播公司任职节目制作与主持。1982-1987年任安大略省驻法国代表。1999年9月任加拿大总督,至2005年9月27日。她是加拿大第二位女性、第一任非白人和没有政治和军事背景的总督,是加拿大华人有史以来的第一位女总督,广大华人华侨均以此为自豪。
Chinese Canadians in Politics
The history of Chinese Canadians in politics started in May, 1947 when the “Chinese Immigration Act” was abolished by the Canadian Federal Government. At that time, Chinese Canadians could vote in elections, but did not run for office. It wast until 1957, when Douglas Jung became the first Chinese Canadian to win an election campaign for Member of Parliament. This greatly inspired other Chinese Canadians to participate in election campaigna. Afterwards, there were many Chinese Canadians who won campaigns in the federal, provincial and municipal elections. Statistics have been elected as Federal Members of Parliament twenty-three times between 1957 and 2008. They are:
Douglas Jung (1957, Conservative)
Art Lee (1974, Liberal)
Raymond Chan (1993, 1997, 2004, 2006, Liberal);
Sophia Leung (1997, 2001, Liberal),
Inky Mark (1997, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, Conservative),
Michael Chong (1997, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, Conservative)
Olivia Chow (2006, 2008, NDP),
Meili Faile (2006, 2008, Bloc Québécois),
Alice Wong (2008, Conservative)
(Macao daily news, September 21, 1998; Chinese Canadian Times July 8, 2008).
Five Chinese Canadian candidates have been elected to Provincial offices and thirty-five Chinese Canadian candidates have been elected as Municipal Council Members from 1957 to 1997. More recently, there have been many successful Chinese candidates, such as those who were elected as Members of Legislative Assembly (MLA) of B.C during 2000-2005; John Yap, Ida Chong, Richard T. Lee and Jenny Kwan, whom were all elected for MLA of B.C in 2008, Plus many others.
Meanwhile, many Chinese Canadians have been appointed as government officials at the federal, provincial and municipal levels, and have directly participated in exerting their political power. For example, Douglas.
Jung was appointed as a representative for Canada in the United Nations in 1957; Ruth Lor Malloy was appointed as assistant director of the Eskimo Recovery Centre in 1957; Peter Wong was appointed as the Assistant of the Federal Health Minister in 1964; Raymond Chan was appointed as the Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) in 1993; David Lam was appointed as the BC Provincial Governor in 1988; Adrienne Clarkson was appointed as the 26th Governor General of Canada in 1999; Raymond Chan was appointed as the Minister of State (Multiculturalism), Michael Chong was appointed as the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and the Minister for Sport in 2004; and Alice Wong was appointed as the Parliamentary Secretary in 2008. More Chinese Canadians were appointed as federal, provincial and municipal government officials. Norman L. K wong was appointed as the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta in 2008; Philip S. Lee was appointed as the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba in June, 2009 and so on.
It is worthwhile to point out that the highest ranking Chinese Canadians in politics were David Lam, Norman K wong and Philip Lee, who all served as Provincial Lieutenant Governors; and Adrienne Clarkson, who served as the Governor General of Canada.
Adrienne Clarksons ancestral hometown is Taishan Guangdong, China. She received an MA at the University of Toronto in 1961 and studied at the Sorbonne, Paris from 1961 to 1963. She began a career as a TV host-interviewer for CBC News in 1965. She was appointed as Ontarios Agent General in Paris from 1982 to 1987. In September 1999 to September 27, 2005 she was appointed as Governor General. She was the second female, as well as the first without a military background and the first non-white Canadian, to be Governor General. She is the first female governor and head of state in Chinese Canadian history. Chinese Canadians and overseas Chinese are proud of her.
The Chinese Canadians who have succeeded in election campaigns and have served as officials are only a small group of Chinese Canadians. There are a lot of Chinese Canadians who are active participating members of civic social groups. They collect opinions and suggestions from the community and submit it to different levels of government, to help government make informed decisions and fight for Chinese Canadian rights.
Chinese Canadian Political Action Committee of Ontario (CCPACO) is one of these groups. CCPACO held a seminar titled “Public Economy in 2009” at the Metro Square on January 12, 2009. More than 20 people attended the forum, including economic scholars, financial experts, investment consultants, political party representatives, MP, MPP ,city councilors, and media. At the seminar, they discussed issues such as increasing government investment in public transit, infrastructure, the real estate industry, and other topics under the current economic crisis. They also proposed that the government should support the automobile industry, agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises, increase employment opportunities, as well as continually developing the labor market, credit loans, and the creative industry in order to help Canadas economy recover sooner. A 123 page report was presented to the Federal Government on January 16.
(原载My Chinatown, Published by Toant Communications Lstd, 2010)
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